Saturday, November 3, 2007

Links for research and help on this topic

Helpful links!

This is a guide for sex education teachers and parents. It gives broad overview of many topics including emergency contraceptives, statistical research and moral dilemmas teens and parents alike face in the discussion regarding the “birds and the bees.” It is from a not for profit organization serving as teen advocates in many issues.

Sex Education
This is a web site that is for a AIDs and HIV charity based in the UK. This area of the site describes what should be included in effective sex education. “Effective sex education develops young people's skills in negotiation, decision-making, assertion and listening. Other important skills include being able to recognize pressures from other people and to resist them, deal with and challenge prejudice, and seek help from adults through the family, community and health and welfare services.”
This is a site that claims to be unbiased and a strict resource for sex education information. It has a plethora of alphabetized links that cover everything from sex activism, contraceptives, the history of sex, to legal matters concerning sex.
This site is aimed at those teens that may have questions about sexuality. The site suggests that teens have a discussion with a trusted adult before relying on the site alone. While some articles seam to offer relationship advice, the necessary and blunter information is easily accessible.
This is a NPR news article discussing a recent national poll canvassing the issue of sex education and what types are acceptable. Over forty percent of high schools teach abstinence plus programs and president bush has pushed for an increase in funding for abstinence only programs.
This is a somewhat liberal non-for-profit organization acting as advocates for youth. They believe that teens who are education about sex by there parents or trusted guardians will make better choices regarding sex and even wait to participate in sexual activity than those uneducated.

Contraceptive Availability
This is a link to the Journal of General Internal Medicine. A study outlined involves the importance of gynecologists as well as sexual health services in her primary health provider may significantly reduce the number of unwanted pregnancy. This site is very unbiased and paid for by the US government.
This is a link for UNC libraries listing 3 articles that discuss the health and statistical results of sex education and contraceptive availability. It is research based through the library, so it is unbiased and factual.
This journal article effectively proves through experimentation that women who know a family planning outlet are much more likely to practice contraception, than those who do not. This could be a major proponent for educating teens for available clinics and local doctors.
This is a scientific journal article showing the availability of emergency contraceptives in the greater Pennsylvania area. While not applicable in North Carolina, this article points out some discrepancies in the current system of distributing EC, one of limited access.

Emergency Contraceptives
This site depicts the history of the drug Preven. Most importantly it states how a drug advisory committee suggested the move to make Preven over the counter, and more accessible. This is a site that is medically based but focused on the use of contraceptives.
A blatantly biased ProLIfe website, pointing out the discrepancies of the “morning after pill.” This site points out all the possible side effects and unwanted effects of this pill. It is a very outright Christian based touting WWJD.
New release touting the FDA approval of Preven, morning after pregnancy prevention pill. "It is estimated that nearly 50 percent of all abortions and unintended pregnancies in this country could be avoided if women had access to emergency contraception.” This article is produced by Princeton University so it is unbiased, just intended to inform the public.
This is general information on Preven. It is unbiased and medically based. It describes the effects and direction of use.
The best site out there! It is through planned parent hood a group that focuses on pregnancy assistance. This site is slightly left wing biased, but only looking to help women lead healthy lives.
This is a biased attack on President Bush’s family planning agenda, or lack there of. However slanted, information is true and facts can be helpful.
This is an article from the New England Journal of Medicine. It is unbiased and medically based. The statistics support the availability of the drug preven. “As of 1994, nearly half of all women of reproductive age in the United States had had at least one unintended pregnancy.”
This is from, an unbiased medical site, informing women and doctors about women’s health and wellness. “There's no evidence that access to emergency contraception makes women more careless about regular contraception, says Felicia Stewart, MD, of the University of California.”


Mike said...

I find your list of data sources to be bias through your own editing. In choosing only links that support a complete sex education transcending abstinence only and advocating the use of contraceptives you present only one side of the argument. The only dissenting view to your own that is offered is from a reactionary fundamentalist Christian website thats very URL presents bias.

Furthermore you refer to the pro-life site as blatantly biased all the while referring to as only "somewhat liberal".

lifesizesuperman said...

I'll second Moe's analysis. Also note your comments about Planned Parenthood.

Rather than saying, these sites are biased, maybe letting the reader know about their mission statement. This way, the reader can tell the link is biased on their own.

beach girl said...

I agree with the above comments. You need to include the other aspects of the argument instead of looking at only one side of the argument. You do state your bias in previous blog posts, but you need to remain unbiased in other posts to persuade people to promote contraceptive education.